Who does not know where to start to put your company in order, start from your structure.

Try to describe your business model correctly, arrange all the structural units appropriately and only then think about describing processes and setting indicators.

A mistake in structure will prevent you from realizing your goals at the speed you want. You will be constantly going back and correcting mistakes, and those mistakes always show up with a delay.

Your structures without a description of any regularity, it's like «Man on the go drawing», you will constantly have the wrong picture, and then spit and say that it's not about the structure, you need to describe the processes first.

Often everyone thinks that we are cool to describe the processes or think. No, we do the structure, which is the normal foundation and then only with the next layers we put all the tools and rules)

Who does not have the time and energy to figure it out on their own, you can hire us. Who wants and understands that they can do it themselves, there's all the information on the website on how to properly build a structure. It all starts there.


*facebook post