Cost: Vymex - results management ecosystem


Price for companies to use vHub.

Forget the frequent subscription problems and multiple resources for the team. Vymex products solve the basic needs of the company from different angles by subscription in a single application.

Company calculation
Number of structural units:
up to 10
11- 50
51- 100
101- 500
to 501
1 Level
2 Level
3 Level
4 Level
* the price is for one specialist per month
** free use of Beta version
Calculate subscription cost
There will always be only one structural unit at level 1 of the company - the CEO. This is the top on which the structure and goals of the company are built. The cost of a SU will change depending on the size of the company.

The user uses the entire base of the Vymex application for free.

The human being is the apex of the application structure.
Vymex is a system designed to manage human results through the proper use of various resources. Including business management tools. There are a lot of tools for the user to achieve personal results. At this stage of the product are vChat secure communication tools and vRise job search service.

What else you need to know about price.

By choosing the right resources, you influence the probability of your company’s results. Saving is not always the best way to be effective. But we did find a way to create an optimal solution.

Wide application functionality.

In one place we have collected all the necessary elements for work: messenger, job search and recruitment, convenient structure of business, work processes and forecasting of results. Each process requires a subscription and additional costs. For the company, it is inconvenient and expensive. Vymex simplified these processes by putting everything into a single subscription system.

Convenient and always available.

Vymex is designed in such way so that anywhere in the world you can track the performance of the company or department simply by looking at the report in the phone. All tasks and processes are regulated by notifications and are summarized in the final screen of the company results. Hire only the right people to the company, everything else counts system without reference to office, city and time.

High degree of protection of all data.

You do not need an additional ERP system for big money for company data security. The Vymex encryption was developed by the company’s engineers. All your information, important documents, and the latest chat messages will always be kept by the owner and are fully protected. Your personal contacts outside the company are also protected and encrypted.

I don't need expensive or 

cheap... It needs 

to be good 

in relation to my 


Everything you need for innovative management is at hand, just get started!
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