Vymex - Results Management Ecosystem


The team will appreciate this balance of simplicity and efficiency.

The main value of the system is the release of employees' time from the implementation of the basic needs of the company in favor of the implementation of project activities, which actually produces value for the consumer. Also, companies will bear less risk from those processes that are naturally repeated in every business, and will require organic scaling of management systems as the company grows.

Structure of the company's result
A systematic method of distributing the company's resources according to the roles of which it consists. There are no templates and clichés, whether your company is one role or hundreds, you will always have an understanding of what your results are made of.
It is enough to add a user to one of the roles in your company and he will get access to all the resources attached to it, including files and instructions, and the results of predecessors. It will also be easy to leave the company or to move internally to another role, due to the fact that nothing is attached to the person in the system.
Intuitively sensible interface.
A user-friendly interface that clearly presents information about the results and resources within the current role. You will get a tangible acceleration of the development and realization of goals, because many processes now do not need to be produced
Organization of file management.
Your personal file archive, structured for easy access. Organized according to the roles in your company, this storage system provides all the tools you need to fulfill your basic company document needs.
Convenient setting of efficiency indicators
Setting and editing indicators that are combined into the results of roles at the upper levels in the structure, which really reflect the results of the company. It is important that it is simple and understandable even for beginners in business.
Changing roles without losing focus
Your job in the company is to constantly move between results. In our system, everything is organized around roles, allowing employees to easily switch contexts. This increases productivity and makes tasks easier.
Search for a command among users
The quality of interaction and integration in the company is ensured thanks to a transparent relationship evaluation system and effective onboarding. Users easily understand how processes are organized in the company, which facilitates quick adaptation and mutual understanding.
Vymex was created to improve the quality of life, not to adapt to the norm that is formed today.
Effective communication, transparency of results, and much more will be available to companies of any size and stage of development.

People are individuals, roles are part of the company.

Separating the individual from the role has become a key aspect of our approach. Because a person is not a resource and not part of a company, a person should easily and predictably move between roles, it does not matter if it is one company or several. Leaving and joining the company is easy and cost-free for all parties, as the process is transparent and clear, especially when it comes to meeting basic needs. The company is resources grouped by role, which combine with each other in time to produce results.
Ian Galan
Joahn Misy
Team Lead
Kate Hudson
Noah Malic
Dean White
Team Lead
Ihor Vovk
Team Lead
Lina Chi
Den Sour
Anna Lunko
Sara Whon
Creation and placement of vacancies without leaving the system.
It's time to make a clear distinction between the company, the role and the individual. The system provides an opportunity to easily create vacancies for the required roles and offer them to users who are open to new opportunities. The process from the emergence of a need for a new employee to the moment when this person already makes an effective contribution to the company's results will be minimized.
Influence the probabilities of the future by acting now with an understanding of the past.
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