A little about the product.

We have completed the stage of calculating the cost and calculating the scenario of product development. Now comes the active stage of communication with investors.

This is the «laying the groundwork» stage, and it is the toughest in terms of risks and likely profits.

After the MVP is created, we will have a lot of data on hand to offer a good annual percentage of investment, but it will be like any normal project.

The project we're launching is blowing my mind and not everyone believes it's even possible.

Some people do and they have means to go in, but they don't like my way of doing things where I don't make compromises in legal agreements or other things.

All of my principles and methods are just to give the project goals a better chance that = sticking to the plan for which I raise funds.

Some people want to have more influence on the project than other contributors by investing the principal amount... There is no logic to such an intention. The less you «help» the founders to develop their project, the better its chances are. Only when the founders have deviated from the plan without warning, then you should intervene to protect your investment.

Someone is trying to stick the logic in which the investor's company owns a stake in your company. There's no logic in that, I'll describe it in more details later. It only creates unnecessary gaps, processes, and risks.

Based on the experience of the first few contacts, we restructured the proposal, removing possible risks for investors, because we initially have no «crooked» intentions and with the same for the project we secured its implementation plan.

We just broke down the entire amount required to project funds to bring the product «into orbit» into several portfolios of different sizes, the amounts ranging from 2 000 to 100 000. Where a person who invested 2 000 has the same impact on the project as invested 100 000. And this means receiving a report for the previous period, having on hand an actual plan for the next 12 months, how the project will develop and how performance will change. And we also create the opportunity to sell your share at any time, direct contact with the founder and all the necessary contracts confirming the ownership of the share in the company.

Serious work has been done. I'm grateful to the team that did this mass of calculations and tests. We'll uncover them at some point.

You should see how people react when they see what the product consists of and what it aims to affect.

We will give out more details soon, but for now I am very satisfied with what we have created, how we have calculated, what conditions we offer to investors and which probable results of the project can be seen today.

Have a great day everyone!

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