Resources are everywhere. The task is to structure correctly and distribute them throughout the system.

It's time to move away from outdated methods of company management. At Vymex, means are collected in order to help the official achieve own results, forming the maximum efficiency rates.

Resources are not the safe containing valuable company records and material. SU Resources is a cloud file storage where you commit all the material and intangible resources of your company, which are distributed by structural units or located in the company's warehouse.

Unlike traditional cloud storage, in Vymex everything is structured and ready in such way that resources can be simply added to it and used as intended from first minutes. Plus, it's your place to share files quickly in the system.

The main thing is that all the company's resources are now at hand in the Vymex ecosystem.

This will save the time you previously spent creating and configuring your company's file storage and access management.

Everything is structured and automated for you.

How to customize the order in company documentation? How to automate the processes of searching, transferring and receiving files? How to improve the system from within the company using an architectural approach?

The SU Resources module at this stage lags behind similar storages in terms of functionality, because they have been operating on the market for a long time. But due to the fact that the module is initially built into the Vymex ecosystem, it can be configured automatically for structural unit and for the company as a whole. It turns out that even with narrow functionality, user benefits from the mobility and availability of files and data. The streamlined architecture in Vymex made the functionality even more productive and efficient.

In resource module in the Vymex system, you will open the required list of folders; and the official's work folder, where employees can store tasks and files.

You do not need to configure the basic functionality, because the system has already configured everything logically for you. You just have to add/remove resources or request access to additional files in the system.

Employee leaves, but resources remain with company.

Company owners are constantly faced with personnel problems, including the problem of finding interchangeable employees. Even if they found a replacement for a person or found a more competent specialist, the company spends a lot of time, effort, resources on the process of his adaptation. Such problems are minimized in the Vymex system.

When employee changes at the SU, his resources, processes, targets and the rest of the information are automatically transferred to the new official. A newcomer in the company needs 2-3 days to fully integrate into the workflow. Thus, the company practically does not feel the change of an official on itself, including in any way this does not affect on planned indicators and results.

Thanks to this module, you, as the owner, is not distracted from the workflow. Concentrate on achieving your goals, and Vymex takes over all routine operations.

Files, documents, instructions – everything is in safe place.

A few taps and you can already see the company's resources from your smartphone. All resources in the Vymex system are divided into:

  1. SU Resources – a complete set of company files and documents, which are divided into tangible (for example, laptop, mouse, cable, toolbox) and intangible (for example, services and registration data that SU uses).
  2. Work files – is a collection of all documents, presentations, video and audio files that are used by the structural unit to achieve results.
  3. Available files – a folder where files are stored, access to which is optionally open to you to improve work efficiency. As a rule, they are located in the resources of another SU or another structural level.

All documentation and data are completely in safe thanks to the encryption protocol developed by Vymex. It is quite enough to secure all company information and documentation.

What are the benefits of such structuring and of module as a whole.

A key benefit of the VYMEX system is understanding and controlling company results through a new method of building and managing resources. If we return to the foundation of the system (“Structural units and the logic of their interaction”), then we find out the formula:

Result = (Resources + Processes)/2

In the Vymex system, an employee will be able to figure out to the slightest resource from what the result is obtained and how to create a new solution, how to improve the result by managing its components (resources and processes) that are embedded in the SU.

Vymex just found a method of how to decompose everything in the system in such way that the time and cost of such procedures are minimized. So, it turned out to develop a technology that allows you to "overclock" the functionality to higher values than are available for people today.