Made in Ukraine and completely Ukrainian are very different results.

We are talking about «Heavyweights» companies, which will soon include Vymex, too.

«Heavyweights» are global projects worth more than $100,000,000 with an impact on global markets.

This is a very subtle point, because it seems that investments are coming into Ukraine and the economy is filling up. But at the same time it is important where the profit from these projects goes, because there is a lot of money.

Turnover is just salaries and taxes. Profit is the money that will participate in the next projects, give new profits and increase the masses.

Profits are owned by beneficiaries.

In all the projects that we found, even to take the top 50 Product IT companies in Ukraine, there is not a single project where 100% of the owners are residents of Ukraine.

It may seem loud statements about Vymex, but even the financial company that counted us, showed the probability of the project cost more than 2 billion dollars in the next 5 years, no matter what country's money we will create it with.

I initially set the goal of having only private entrepreneurs own the company. We have already been able to raise more than $1,000,000 and will raise more than $1,000,000 in the next six months.

Vymex as a product will cover the basic needs of a huge number of global companies. All products which close basic needs are always in demand. These are not trendy things for entertainment, but life efficiency issues.

In 2024 we will pay more than $3,000,000 in taxes alone to the budget of Ukraine. And the potential of the market that we are creating is insanely great. This is the most saturated environment by the name of the business and its basic needs. There are over 10,000,000 companies in the world that would have no reason to ignore solutions like Vymex.

We are building the future of Ukraine with all of our co-founders, who are now more than 20. And with a team, now 45 people and by the end of the year will be 60 +. This is only version 1.0, by version 2.0 we will be up to 200 people.

We are proud to declare that we are the first fully Ukrainian IT product company.

All people who want to influence the future of the country's economy and their personal results, we invite you to join. As of today, offers are open from $10,000.

There is all the information on the website. In a personal presentation I promise to reveal all the details and reasons for our applications.

Let's try as much as possible to make all global projects entirely Ukrainian, to create a normal competition on the world stage in the future and create flows into Ukraine. We have crazy talents here, but everyone is looking for easy ways, which drains the resource and makes Ukraine a commodity country.

* facebook post