Do or do not disturb.

Some day somebody will say to me: «Boy, you don't know what you're doing and where this is going...»

Perhaps they'll add that I'm crazy and doing the unthinkable...

I'll probably ask in response: «Are you sure you understand where everything we've built up to today is headed? That there aren't mistakes in the foundation there that could give us a crack of such magnitude that it would cost us a great deal to repair, if it could be repaired at all.»

And if you don't understand about something, it's not a fact that the founders don't understand what they're doing. There are always people smarter than you or us about something. Maybe they just haven't found a way to explain it to you yet, and with your comments without understanding, you only distract them from what's really important…

If you're afraid of making a mistake, then step aside and stay out of the way, while I am trying to find a solution (which I found back in 2018). Gather people who care. I'll take responsibility and create something new until I'm wiped out or until I find a likely solution that I still have to test and prove…

So then, maybe let's let a new test pass? And if I'm wrong, then on small volumes, with the help of math, I'll understand the reasons and improve the solution further, so that the next test will succeed... And so until I run out of time or I find a solution.

And there's also the possibility that what I have is a mistake, for someone will be the missing data in their calculations and they will come up with an even newer system and decide how to make everyone even 1% better than they are now...

It scares me more if we leave things as they are. We'll just go on living with the growing number of problems that we all see and live with. Than that I will try and be wrong.

Yes, it hurts in my head when I'm wrong. Yes, it's frustrating to hear sometimes that you failed at something.

I think that if a person has real goals to change something for better in the world, the more deviations he has from the norm, the more likely he is to find an out-of-the-box solution that will solve the problem.

My conclusion is simple.

If you want to create something really new and effective, you have to be insane for everyone and fail a lot before you succeed. And it does…

And if you're afraid to be wrong, then don't do anything just.

*this post is for those who will try to annoy us with their superficial questions and comments when we go out to the masses.

*facebook post