In all the meetings, I always talk about the solution we managed to understand and the logic we use to develop the application. And only at the end, when people's heads are already exploding, do I point out the problems that Vymex solves...
Sorry, I'm just a fan of the solution and don't focus on the problem usually)
Now I'm going to try it from the opposite direction. I think it will make more sense.
But the problem is that the PROBLEM is not obvious, here we have to come to analogies to create understanding in a normal person.
For the analogy, we need to pick resources and outcomes that are similar in nature and structure.
Go back in time and remind ourselves of our set of material resources/devices that we used to produce results in 2005.
It was push-button phones, disks, flash drives, physical documents, and a host of other primitives, which at the time seemed like the perfect solution to human needs. It was all happening with the help of someone who knew how to combine it and get a relative result.
I reduce it to a formula, the set here is simple and at low speed gives results.
Different devices + algorithms for combining and transferring data in the human head = RESULT
Read it again for those who don't understand. You can understand from the formula that each time is a unique method of combination because a person subjectively decides what works and what doesn't…
To make it clearer further, keep in mind a rough understanding of what level of results we were getting and how many resources we were spending on it.
In all of our work, RESULTS are the most important thing.
The person, with the set of devices above, thought it was normal what he was getting and 99.9999% of people didn't even think about any operating systems or that the result could be accelerated and the energy costs of combining reduced and the risks of not working by a hundred times on a thousand repetitions reduced…
In 2007, they showed a phone with an operating system. I'll be honest, only in the third year of our development (that's in 2020), did I understand fundamentally what actually happened then and what changed…
Thanks to mathematics it was possible to create a solution which combined such a set of intangible resources/applications that a human now does not need to combine a mass of devices, now all in one) Combination algorithms with a set of rules fell on the OS (operating system). Human influence on the result decreased dozens of times, because it was possible, by understanding the patterns, to solve thousands of tasks without human involvement and it was all updated from the cloud…
Let's reconsider the formula: mobile device + operating system + basic apps + app store = RESULT
This, as it turns out, can be multiplied millions of times and the solution only gets better every year))
Now back to Vymex and what problem are we solving on what level.
If we consider a company as a resource created for the purpose of getting RESULTS, then it is also possible to assemble a formula, only it was necessary to work with patterns)
The mobile device is a little easier to structure because there one person takes part in getting the result.
The most important thing in the company was to find a structuring principle that could describe any company and then all that was left was to write a set of basic applications and rules for combining them.
We solved these problems back at the beginning of 2021. Now there are 30 people in the team, including 20 engineers, and we are about to show that the business could be built and developed much easier than it has been in this environment for the last 100+ years…
There's more information about the solution on the website. There's an article on the blog about the structure, here's a link to it.
But to understand what Vymex did, one has to understand the analogy and the problem that smartphones have solved. In this way one can discover an understanding of the possibilities of this kind of technology and draw possible probabilities in one's mind...
The problem is simple - people functionally solve their problems by uniquely creating and combining different resources each time. This is normal for today, but thanks to mathematics and patterns found, it is possible to revise the results and build a solution that will transfer 80% of the problems to a set of rules in the operating system, and a set of basic applications will reduce the resource consumption and risks by a hundred times....
You have no idea how much you are wasting resources on your results today compared to the solution Vymex created.
Things won't be obvious for the first 1-3 years, but then, as with smartphones, math and comparative analysis will show that you only had to consider the result from other angles)
*facebook post